Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Get Closer to Online Marketing Opportunity
The internet has brought us many special benefits to marketing, one of which being lower costs for the distribution of information and media to a global consumer. The interactive nature of online marketing, both in terms of providing instant response and eliciting responses, is a unique quality of the medium. Online marketing is sometimes considered to have a broader scope because it refers to digital media such as the internet, e-mail, and wireless media.
Online marketing is relatively inexpensive when compared to the ratio of cost against the reach of the target audience. Companies can reach a wide audience for a small fraction of traditional advertising budgets. The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and purchase products and services at their own convenience. Therefore, businesses have the advantage of appealing to consumers in a medium that can bring results quickly. The strategy and overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns depend on business goals and cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis.
Internet marketers also have the advantage of measuring statistics easily and inexpensively. Nearly all aspects of an Internet marketing campaign can be traced, measured, and tested. The advertisers can use a variety of methods: pay per impression, pay per click, pay per play or pay per action. Therefore, marketers can determine which messages or offerings are more appealing to the audience. The results of campaigns can be measured and tracked immediately because online marketing initiatives usually require users to click on an advertisement, visit a website, and perform a targeted action. Such measurement cannot be achieved through billboard advertising, where an individual will at best be interested, then decide to obtain more information at a later time.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Implementing Your Marketing Strategy
Short-term marketing strategies include:
- Purchasing advertising
- Discussion groups
- Search Engines
Long-term marketing strategies include:
- Opt-in Lists
- Freebies
- Content
If you use this simple formula when creating your Internet marketing strategy and excel, you can literally guarantee your success.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Genoa VS AC Milan 2-0 ( Memalukan...)
Sepanjang pertandingan, nama besar AC Milan dipermalukan oleh pemain-pemain hebatnya yang seperti tak mampu berbuat apa-apa untuk menjebol gawang tim Genoa. Malah AC Milan harus ketinggalan terlebih dahulu di babak pertama akibat kesalahan Danielle Bonera yang tak mampu menjaga Sculli, sehingga Sculli dengan bebasnya menjebol gawang Milan yang dijaga oleh Abiatti.
Pada babak ke dua, Ancelotti memasukkan Clarence Sedoorf mengantikan Ronaldinho, dan Marco Borriello yang menggantikan Shevchenko. Namun, tak satupun peluang yang tercipta mampu menyumbangkan gol. Serangan AC Milan yang dipimpin Kaka terlalu monoton, tidak menggigit. Malahan para pemain Genoa mampu mengancam lewat serangan yang dimotori oleh Diego Milito, hingga akhirnya pada menit 89, legenda hidup AC Milan, Paolo Maldini dengan usia yang terlalu tua untuk bermain bola, berbuat kesalahan dengan men tackle Diego Milito di kotak penalti. Oh my God, AC Milan kalah lagi.
Tampaknya, Ancelotti harus bekerja keras lagi untuk meramu formasi yang tepat untuk bersaing di serie A.
Friday, September 12, 2008
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Page Rank is Google's way of giving a specific value to how popular your website is. It is based on the number of "votes" other websites cast for your website. A "vote" is simply when another website places a link on their website that is pointing to your website. Generally, the more "votes" or links you have pointing to your website, the higher your Page Rank (PR) will be. Page Rank is 1 of the many factors that Google takes into account when ranking websites.
If you're anything like me, you've probably created a brand new website, submitted it to a few search engines and hoped that people would mysteriously show up at your site and buy whatever it is you were selling. After a couple of weeks go by and only a few stray people show up at your website, you decide to try and "optimize" your website around your main keyword in hopes that you just might rank well in 1 of the millions of search engines. Another couple of weeks go by and still no luck. At this point you probably give up and decide to either build another website around a different target market or just lose all hope and quit. Well, news flash, as you've probably figured out by now, this is not the way to go about doing things, so let me give you a specific example of what your very first steps MUST be when creating any website.
There were two types of search engine optimization:
- Onpage Optimization
- Offpage Optimization
- You must have links pointing to your website.
- These links must include your main keywords in the "anchor text".
- It's best to get links from the exact same websites that the top ranked websites have their links on.
- Try to get links from as many different IP Addresses as possible.
- It's best to have close to the same % of links containing the specific keyword you're trying to rank well for, as the top ranked websites.
- You can write articles and submit them to websites. Include a link to your website in the footer of your article.
optimization. You should do both.
- Include your keywords in your page title
- Use the '|' symbol to separate words
- Use only your main keywords. Don't use filler words. The '|' character will act as
a filler - Use header tags
- Bold, italicize, and underline some keywords
- Place your main keyword at the beginning and end of your webpage
- Include your keyword in the copyright footer of your webpage
- Use
image tags and include your keyword, plus the word "image" or
"graphic" etc.
By Brad Callen
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Built to Last - Melee
Band asal
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
CCleaner 2.11.636
CCleaner cleans the following:
- Internet Explorer Cache, History, Cookies, Index.dat.
- Recycle Bin, Temporary files and Log files.
- Recently opened URLs and files.
- Third-party application temp files and recent file lists (MRUs).
Including: Firefox, Opera, Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Office XP, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and more... - Advanced Registry scanner and cleaner to remove unused and old entries.
Including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more... Backup for registry clean. - Windows Startup tool.
The registry cleaner part of CCleaner is not the best registry cleaner out there, but it’s good enough for a normal Windows user. Remember that this piece of software is free! Also available in many different languages.
Download CCleaner 2.11.636 here:
Monday, September 8, 2008
Evolving Marketing Strategy
Evolving a great and successful marketing strategy is the most important part of your online success.
If you’re just starting out, it is highly recommended that you start out marketing quality products and/or services that are already developed. This will provide you with the ability to earn while you learn, as most quality affiliate programs provide you with marketing and advertising information to assist you.
Two tier affiliate programs usually divide the commissions over the two levels. For example, if a company wants to give their affiliates a total of 30% commission for each sale, they would offer a 20% commission on their first level sales and an extra 10% commission on second level sales. If their affiliate makes a $39.99 sale, they would receive an $8 commission. If one of their recruits makes a sale, they would receive an additional $4 commission.
By developing income from multiple sources, when one source is having a slow period, the other sources will help to supplement.
You must first decide upon your target market and offer products and/or services that will be of interest to your market. In addition, the products and/or service you’re offering should be closely related. For example, if you’re selling computers, you could also offer printers, Internet service, software, etc.
Once you’ve decided upon your target market and what type of products and or services you’d like to sell, your next step will be to locate quality affiliate programs.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
blogging for bucks (part 3)
I should note that new blogs in hosted services such as MSN Spaces, Yahoo!360,, and TypePad suffer through shorter periods of invisibility than blogs hosted on independent servers (WordPress and movable type blogs). Hosted blogs get a push toward visibility by the host services, which spotlight new sites and new entries and also by circles of friends that often surround new blogs in Yahoo! 360. In these cases, a new blog can get an instant to hold in the blogosphere. Even so, the principles of visibility described in this section apply to, and can be practiced by, any blogger on any platform.
The key to visibility is links. People find online destinations through links. Traffic is driven by links. Every ambitious blogger wants links leading to the blog’s home page or its individual entries. In the quest for linkage, two important arenas exist:
- Links on other blogs
- Links in search engines
You can gain visibility in the blogosphere and start getting linked on other blogs in two ways:
- Ask for links.
- Write a good blog that naturally draws attention.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
blogging for bucks (part 2)
You can make money on the internet in four basic ways:
- Sell a product
- Provide a service
- Sign up subscriptions to content
- Run ads
Blogging is a legitimate and maturing genre of publishing. Some companies hire professional bloggers (or pro writers who have never blogged and learn on the job) to produce corporate blogs in the same way that these companies hire copywriters to produce marketing brochures. That is one path for writers who want to ply the blogging trade. Then there are the blog networks, which are pushing the envelope of the blogosphere as a publishing force. The entire venture (again, like a magazine) is supported by advertising. Magazines also sell subscriptions; blogs don’t do that yet, but it’s not beyond the imagination. So, advertising is the business format of necessity if you are to make any money from your blog. But before discussion of advertising options, you need to know the other half of the blog marketing equation. Like two sides of a coin, earning money from a blog requires two considerations:
- Visibility: Ad revenue depends on site traffic (lots of readers), and site traffic depends on making the blog visible. Several skills and tools go into site visibility, and having a general understanding of them can help your site even if you never run a single ad.
- Monetization: I have a friend who laughs every time I utter the word monetize. I don’t blame him for getting the chuckles over such a geekspeak term, but that’s what everyone calls it when a site earns money. Something that previously generated no income has been monetized.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
blogging for bucks (part 1)
Does this all sound too mercenary? That’s fine, too. Many people who write personal blogs have less interest in making money from their online diaries than they do in selling stale bread. I don’t mean to compare your blog entries to stale bread. Perhaps that wasn’t the best analogy. My point is that blogging started as a giving activity, and it still is for most individual bloggers. For most people, trying to generate a revenue stream (as they say in the business world) from their hobby blog is not worth the trouble.
But an equally valid point is that any site with even a handful of readers can serve as a modest home business. Making money can be a hobby, too, even if your ultimate goal is just to cover blogging expenses. In the case of a basic TypePad account, as an example, that means earning a few dollars a month from your blog. I know people who never imagined they would turn a blog into money, tried it, and did indeed recoup those few bucks every month. Chances are good that a few dollars per month is the high end of a blog’s earning potential — let’s be realistic. But the attempt has the side benefits of making the blog a little more professional in appearance and making the blogger a little more professional, too. If you’re making 50 cents a month to start,
you might be motivated to reach one dollar, and move forward from there. In the effort, you’re likely to make your site look better and explore the marketing tricks that bring more traffic. With more traffic comes more influence in the blogosphere, and suddenly you’re on your way to the next level in the blogging lifestyle.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Many PTC websites require you to click on an ad and view it for about 30 seconds to get paid. When your account balance reaches the minimum payout value, you can request for a payout. Payments are generally made to a PayPal or AlertPay account. Staying active in a number of these programs lets you earn steady and regular online income. However, due to the boom in PTC industry, there are more scam sites out there than genuine ones.
Below is my PTC list...
AC Milan 1st match: below the expectation...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Viva La Vida - ColdPlay
The confident theme of their music in this song have invigorated ColdPlay's rock-lite reign.
Love it man!!!
Pemanasan Global (Global Warming)
Proses yang cenderung kontinu dari kenaikan emisi gas rumah kaca ini akan berdampak pada pemanasan yang cukup tinggi pada akhir abad 21. Titik proyeksi kenaikan suhu global yang diperkirakan sekarang adalah antara 1,1oC hingga 6,4oC pada tahun 2100. Pemanasan ini akan membawa dampak buruk bagi bumi, dimana akan terjadi kenaikan permukaan air laut yang secara berangsur-angsur akan menenggelamkan daerah pesisir dan meningkatkan erosi pantai dan biodiversitas, dan juga beberapa potensi lain yang membahayakan kesehatan manusia dan kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Mengatasi perubahan iklim bukanlah suatu tugas yang mudah. Untuk melindungi diri, lingkungan, dan ekonomi kita dari berbagai efek perubahan iklim, kita pada akhirnya harus mengurangi emisi dari karbondioksida dan gas rumah kaca lainnya.